
Showing posts from October, 2021

Reflection 10/29/21

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we presented our assignments from yesterday. My group went first. I believe all but one group went since we ran out of time. That is all we did during class. There is really not much else to say.

Reflection 10/28/21

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we started chapter 6 of “Wild.” We were given a group assignment, similar to one we did before. This one was smaller, having only 4 people in a group instead of 7. We each had different assignments. My assignment was to summarize the chapter. I think I got pretty lucky with the assignment since mine was pretty easy. Tomorrow we will present our assignments.

Reflection 10/26/21


Reflection 10/22/21

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we read an informational text titled “A Mega-Transect of California Along the PCT.” It was about a couple that hiked the PCT and they told about their experience.

Reflection 10/21/21

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we worked on our projects. We had to find 10 sources for our topic. I think it was due today. I believe every member of our group finished. We did not really do anything else for the class period. It was a pretty easy day.

Reflection 8/13/21

 Today, Mr. Rease’s class was shorter than usual because of the PSAT. It was a little under an hour. The class took the second benchmark, except for the people who took the PSAT. The people who took the PSAT read the book, “Wild.” We also got our progress reports today. Not much really happened today. Maybe tomorrow will be more eventful.

Reflection 8/12/21

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we learned how to find and use sources. We received part 3 of our project. We had to find 10 sources about our topic. We learned what sources to not overuse. Mr. Rease told us we had to take a benchmark tomorrow. However, students who are taking the PSAT will be exempt. Mr. Rease did not want to overwork his students by having them take two big tests in the same day. 

Reflection 8/6/21

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class most of us were doing an assignment to make up missing blog posts. I think there were only about 3 or 4 people that did not miss a blog post. It is fairly difficult to do one every single day. For the assignment we had to write about a prompt based off of the book “Wild.” Most of the prompts were sad questions. Based on what I hear the book is about, it seems like it would not be that happy if a story. Today was also the last day of the week, and no teacher gave us work over the break.

What are you certain of

 I am certain that my life will be successful. I get good grades in school and plan on going to college. College will be easy for me. I will graduate on time and get a career in my field. With this career, I will save up a lot of money and secure my place in life. I will have two dogs and a parrot. My wife and I will be happy with our 6 kids, and we will have fun. 

Write about when you knew you were in trouble

 I knew I was in trouble when I broke my Mom's vase. She had just left work. Me and my brother were running around the house, and I accidentally hit the vase off of its stand. I cleaned up the broken pieces, and hoped she did not notice it when she came home. She came home, greeted us, and started cooking dinner. It had been a couple of hours, so I thought I was safe, but then she called me and my brother by our full names. When I heard that, I knew we were in trouble.

Write about someone you forgot

 One time I forgot my brother at the store. I was gonna go to the store really quickly to get some things. My brother went to the bathroom when we entered, and I continued shopping. I found the things I needed quickly and left the store. I remembered he was still in the store a little bit after I left. I made a U-turn back ti the store and went to pick him up. Then we went back home. 

Write about something that doesn't get better

 Something that does not get better is the death of someone close to you. The person never comes back and it can be very hard to deal with that. The death of someone close to you can change your life forever. Of course you can get over the sadness of losing them and continue on with life, but even then, the person still does not come back and is dead forever. Losing someone close to you does not get better.