
Reflection 4/25/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we played the same flash card game that we played on Friday. I got a lot of questions right. I kind of needed the extra points since I have been slacking with my blogs. At the end of the game Mr. Rease put everyone in the class’ name on a wheel and spin it 10 times. The people who were picked did not have to do a blog for the rest of the week. Unfortunately, I was not one of those people. But it did remind me to do my blog post today.

Bellringer Blog 4/13/22

 For the bellringer we are supposed to write a blog about what we need to work on for the multiple choice section of the AP Exam. I think I need to expand my vocabulary. I also should try to understand the text more. I do not think there was that much I needed to work on.

Reflection 4/12/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we studied multiple choice questions. We had a passage to read and then we did 9 multiple choice questions about the passage. Most of the questions were pretty easy. The one that got most people was the last one. Most of the answer choices were words most of the class had not seen before. Most of us most likely need to expand our vocabulary. The day was pretty easy.

Reflection 4/11/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we read 3 poems and took a test on them. There were 3 questions per poem on the test. Most people failed, but luckily Mr. Rease did not put the grade in. The poems were imagery poems. None of them rhymed and one was two stanzas. They made me feel like I could be a good poet. 

Reflection 3/29/22

  Today in class we speed dated prompts.

Reflection 3/25/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we took a test about it the book we were reading. The class average was a 76. After that we had a free day. 

Reflection 3/23/22

  This is what we did in class today.