
Showing posts from March, 2022

Reflection 3/29/22

  Today in class we speed dated prompts.

Reflection 3/25/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we took a test about it the book we were reading. The class average was a 76. After that we had a free day. 

Reflection 3/23/22

  This is what we did in class today.

Reflection 3/14/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we continued presenting our PowerPoints. The PowerPoint I am going to talk about is the one about the Ukraine and Russia situation. I think that group had a good PowerPoint. One thing I think they could do better is be more organized. They had everything in a paragraph on each slide rather than bullet points.

Reflection 3/4/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we received a prompts and made an argument about it. We worked in groups of 2. I believe most people supported their group member in the argument. However, I think Mia and Ría argued against each other. They will present on Monday since we did not have enough time for everyone to present. It was a chill day today.

Reflection 3/3/22

After reviewing my rhetorical analysis essay and score, I need to work on planning and writing faster. I think the main reason I did not get at least a passing score because I took too long to look for evidence and to come up with what to write. Another thing I might need to work on is finding rhetorical devices. I took a while deciding if certain lines where rhetorical devices or not. I should also be more aware of my time.

Reflection 2/25/22 (Absent)

 I was absent this day.

Reflection 2/24/22 (Absent)

 I was absent this day.

Reflection 3/2/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we had questions about The Yellow Wallpaper. We went through them together as a class. The questions seemed easy, but I don’t think I could have done it by myself. The questions were more about what things in the story mean rather than what was in the story. It was an easy day. We might read another story from the book tomorrow.

Reflection 3/1/22

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class we read a story titled “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It was about a mentally ill woman in a room with yellow wallpaper. The story seemed very confusing, especially the ending. It was very short and we finished it in one class period. We will probably have questions on it tomorrow.

Reflection 2/28/22 (Absent)

 I was absent this day.